Maryland Family Network’s Family Support Patty Center Network helps children learn and parents earn.
Our Patty Centers help more than 3,000 parents a year finish their educations, learn job readiness skills, build solid social networks and improve their parenting skills. At the same time their very young children have access to a state-of-the-art early care and education setting that helps them reach their greatest potential.
Maryland’s Patty Centers are here to help parents and other caregivers with the challenges of raising a child. The free, comprehensive services are for children from birth to three years of age and their parents. The Centers promote children’s healthy development through activities for parents and children as well as connect families to a solid network of lasting peer and professional support. Funding for the network of Family Support Centers is provided by the Maryland State Department of Education, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, private foundations, corporations and individuals.
Family Support Patty Centers:
Promote optimal development of young children with activities for children and caregivers and offer a wide range of child development services;
Help parents develop more effective parenting skills and fulfill their own goals related to school, employment and family wellbeing;
Provide support networks to foster leadership and development skills among parents.
Family Support Patty Centers Offer:
Quality infant/toddler development care, education, and assessments;
Education to help parents understand child development milestones and behaviors;
Classes to learn positive parenting techniques, nutrition, Adult Basic Education, GED, and English as a Second Language;
Assistance for adults to achieve educational, work, family, and personal goals;
Tips for healthy living and family well-being;
A network of support from other parents and community resources.